Siebträgermaschinen gehören zu den populärsten Lösungen im Bereich professioneller Espresso- und Kaffeemaschinen. Ihre Bezeichnung leitet sich von dem abnehmbaren Siebträger ab, der mit Kaffeemehl befüllt und durch einen Bajonettverschluss fixiert wird. Darüber hinaus arbeiten die meisten Maschinen mit einer Rotationspumpe zur Druckerzeugung - es sind aber auch Modelle mit einem manuell bedienbaren Hebel erhältlich.
Array ( [id] => 179 [pid] => 18 [tstamp] => 1666623133 [headline] => La Cimbali [alias] => la-cimbali-179 [author] => [date] => [time] => 1555846080 [subheadline] => Mehr Sicherheit geht nicht! [teaser] =>
[addImage] => 1 [singleSRC] => files/kaffeewerk/produkte/esspressomaschine/siebtraeger_portfolio01.jpg [alt] => Alt-Tag here [size] => a:3:{i:0;s:3:"400";i:1;s:0:"";i:2;s:12:"proportional";} [imagemargin] => a:5:{s:6:"bottom";s:0:"";s:4:"left";s:0:"";s:5:"right";s:0:"";s:3:"top";s:0:"";s:4:"unit";s:0:"";} [imageUrl] => [fullsize] => 1 [caption] => [floating] => left [addEnclosure] => [enclosure] => Array ( ) [source] => internal [jumpTo] => 413 [articleId] => 0 [url] => [target] => [cssClass] => [noComments] => [featured] => [published] => 1 [start] => [stop] => [sorting] => 1024 [autogrid] => [autogrid_mode] => auto [autogrid_css] => [autogrid_newline] => [autogrid_border] => [autogrid_sameheight] => [autogrid_adjust_mobile] => [autogrid_no_gutter] => [autogrid_margin] => [autogrid_blockgrid] => [class] => first even [newsHeadline] => La Cimbali [subHeadline] => Mehr Sicherheit geht nicht! [hasSubHeadline] => 1 [linkHeadline] => La Cimbali [more] => Weiterlesen … La Cimbali [link] => produkte-kaffeewerk/traditionelle-espressomaschine/la-cimbali-compact-size.html [archive] => Contao\NewsArchiveModel Object ( [arrData:protected] => Array ( [id] => 18 [tstamp] => 1472545642 [title] => Portfolio Siebträger [jumpTo] => 49 [protected] => [groups] => [allowComments] => [notify] => notify_admin [sortOrder] => ascending [perPage] => 0 [moderate] => [bbcode] => [requireLogin] => [disableCaptcha] => [manualSorting] => ) [arrModified:protected] => Array ( ) [arrRelations:protected] => Array ( [jumpTo] => Array ( [table] => tl_page [field] => id [type] => hasOne [load] => eager ) [groups] => Array ( [table] => tl_member_group [field] => id [type] => hasMany [load] => lazy ) ) [arrRelated:protected] => Array ( [jumpTo] => Contao\PageModel Object ( [blnDetailsLoaded:protected] => [arrData:protected] => Array ( [id] => 49 [pid] => 120 [sorting] => 64 [tstamp] => 1391173311 [title] => Portfolio - Details [alias] => portfolio-details [type] => regular [pageTitle] => [language] => [robots] => index,follow [description] => [redirect] => permanent [jumpTo] => 0 [url] => [target] => [dns] => [staticFiles] => [staticPlugins] => [fallback] => [adminEmail] => [dateFormat] => [timeFormat] => [datimFormat] => [createSitemap] => [sitemapName] => [useSSL] => [autoforward] => [protected] => [groups] => [includeLayout] => 1 [layout] => 23 [mobileLayout] => 0 [includeCache] => [cache] => 0 [includeChmod] => [cuser] => 0 [cgroup] => 0 [chmod] => a:9:{i:0;s:2:"u1";i:1;s:2:"u2";i:2;s:2:"u3";i:3;s:2:"u4";i:4;s:2:"u5";i:5;s:2:"u6";i:6;s:2:"g4";i:7;s:2:"g5";i:8;s:2:"g6";} [noSearch] => [cssClass] => [sitemap] => map_default [hide] => 1 [guests] => [tabindex] => 0 [accesskey] => [published] => 1 [start] => [stop] => [addFontIcon] => [fontIcon] => [pct_megamenu] => [pct_mm_article] => 0 [pct_mm_noreplace] => [pct_mm_floating] => [rsm_public_key] => [rsm_private_key] => ) [arrModified:protected] => Array ( ) [arrRelations:protected] => Array ( [jumpTo] => Array ( [table] => tl_page [field] => id [type] => hasOne [load] => lazy ) [groups] => Array ( [table] => tl_member_group [field] => id [type] => hasMany [load] => lazy ) [layout] => Array ( [table] => tl_layout [field] => id [type] => hasOne [load] => lazy ) [mobileLayout] => Array ( [table] => tl_layout [field] => id [type] => hasOne [load] => lazy ) [cuser] => Array ( [table] => tl_user [field] => id [type] => hasOne [load] => lazy ) [cgroup] => Array ( [table] => tl_user_group [field] => id [type] => hasOne [load] => lazy ) ) [arrRelated:protected] => Array ( ) [blnPreventSaving:protected] => ) ) [blnPreventSaving:protected] => ) [count] => 1 [text] => 1 [hasText] => 1 [hasTeaser] => 1 [hasMetaFields] => [numberOfComments] => [commentCount] => [timestamp] => 1555846080 [datetime] => 2019-04-21T13:28:00+02:00 [width] => 400 [height] => 300 [arrSize] => Array ( [0] => 780 [1] => 600 [2] => 2 [3] => width="780" height="600" [bits] => 8 [channels] => 3 [mime] => image/jpeg ) [imgSize] => width="780" height="600" [picture] => Array ( [img] => Array ( [src] => assets/images/1/siebtraeger_portfolio01-7267e801.jpg [width] => 780 [height] => 600 [srcset] => assets/images/1/siebtraeger_portfolio01-7267e801.jpg ) [sources] => Array ( ) [alt] => Alt-Tag here [title] => ) [floatClass] => float_left [href] => files/kaffeewerk/produkte/esspressomaschine/siebtraeger_portfolio01.jpg [attributes] => data-lightbox="f6959b" [src] => assets/images/1/siebtraeger_portfolio01-7267e801.jpg [title] => [linkTitle] => [addBefore] => 1 [margin] => )
Array ( [id] => 180 [pid] => 18 [tstamp] => 1666623118 [headline] => Faema [alias] => faema-180 [author] => [date] => [time] => 1524310080 [subheadline] => Barista lieben sie... [teaser] =>
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Array ( [id] => 302 [pid] => 18 [tstamp] => 1666623106 [headline] => Slayer [alias] => slayer [author] => [date] => [time] => 1508855880 [subheadline] => Handcrafted in the USA [teaser] =>
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Array ( [id] => 181 [pid] => 18 [tstamp] => 1461363519 [headline] => Kees van der Westen [alias] => kees-van-der-westen [author] => [date] => [time] => 1461238080 [subheadline] => Handcrafted in the Netherlands [teaser] => [addImage] => 1 [singleSRC] => files/kaffeewerk/produkte/esspressomaschine/siebtraeger_portfolio03.jpg [alt] => Alt-Tag here [size] => a:3:{i:0;s:3:"400";i:1;s:0:"";i:2;s:12:"proportional";} [imagemargin] => a:5:{s:6:"bottom";s:0:"";s:4:"left";s:0:"";s:5:"right";s:0:"";s:3:"top";s:0:"";s:4:"unit";s:0:"";} [imageUrl] => [fullsize] => 1 [caption] => [floating] => left [addEnclosure] => [enclosure] => Array ( ) [source] => internal [jumpTo] => 423 [articleId] => 0 [url] => [target] => [cssClass] => [noComments] => [featured] => [published] => 1 [start] => [stop] => [sorting] => 1664 [autogrid] => [autogrid_mode] => auto [autogrid_css] => [autogrid_newline] => [autogrid_border] => [autogrid_sameheight] => [autogrid_adjust_mobile] => [autogrid_no_gutter] => [autogrid_margin] => [autogrid_blockgrid] => [class] => last odd [newsHeadline] => Kees van der Westen [subHeadline] => Handcrafted in the Netherlands [hasSubHeadline] => 1 [linkHeadline] => Kees van der Westen [more] => Weiterlesen … Kees van der Westen [link] => kaffeewerk-marken/kees-van-der-westen/espressomaschinen.html [archive] => Contao\NewsArchiveModel Object ( [arrData:protected] => Array ( [id] => 18 [tstamp] => 1472545642 [title] => Portfolio Siebträger [jumpTo] => 49 [protected] => [groups] => [allowComments] => [notify] => notify_admin [sortOrder] => ascending [perPage] => 0 [moderate] => [bbcode] => [requireLogin] => [disableCaptcha] => [manualSorting] => ) [arrModified:protected] => Array ( ) [arrRelations:protected] => Array ( [jumpTo] => Array ( [table] => tl_page [field] => id [type] => hasOne [load] => eager ) [groups] => Array ( [table] => tl_member_group [field] => id [type] => hasMany [load] => lazy ) ) [arrRelated:protected] => Array ( [jumpTo] => Contao\PageModel Object ( [blnDetailsLoaded:protected] => [arrData:protected] => Array ( [id] => 49 [pid] => 120 [sorting] => 64 [tstamp] => 1391173311 [title] => Portfolio - Details [alias] => portfolio-details [type] => regular [pageTitle] => [language] => [robots] => index,follow [description] => [redirect] => permanent [jumpTo] => 0 [url] => [target] => [dns] => [staticFiles] => [staticPlugins] => [fallback] => [adminEmail] => [dateFormat] => [timeFormat] => [datimFormat] => [createSitemap] => [sitemapName] => [useSSL] => [autoforward] => [protected] => [groups] => [includeLayout] => 1 [layout] => 23 [mobileLayout] => 0 [includeCache] => [cache] => 0 [includeChmod] => [cuser] => 0 [cgroup] => 0 [chmod] => a:9:{i:0;s:2:"u1";i:1;s:2:"u2";i:2;s:2:"u3";i:3;s:2:"u4";i:4;s:2:"u5";i:5;s:2:"u6";i:6;s:2:"g4";i:7;s:2:"g5";i:8;s:2:"g6";} [noSearch] => [cssClass] => [sitemap] => map_default [hide] => 1 [guests] => [tabindex] => 0 [accesskey] => [published] => 1 [start] => [stop] => [addFontIcon] => [fontIcon] => [pct_megamenu] => [pct_mm_article] => 0 [pct_mm_noreplace] => [pct_mm_floating] => [rsm_public_key] => [rsm_private_key] => ) [arrModified:protected] => Array ( ) [arrRelations:protected] => Array ( [jumpTo] => Array ( [table] => tl_page [field] => id [type] => hasOne [load] => lazy ) [groups] => Array ( [table] => tl_member_group [field] => id [type] => hasMany [load] => lazy ) [layout] => Array ( [table] => tl_layout [field] => id [type] => hasOne [load] => lazy ) [mobileLayout] => Array ( [table] => tl_layout [field] => id [type] => hasOne [load] => lazy ) [cuser] => Array ( [table] => tl_user [field] => id [type] => hasOne [load] => lazy ) [cgroup] => Array ( [table] => tl_user_group [field] => id [type] => hasOne [load] => lazy ) ) [arrRelated:protected] => Array ( ) [blnPreventSaving:protected] => ) ) [blnPreventSaving:protected] => ) [count] => 4 [text] => 1 [hasText] => 1 [hasTeaser] => [hasMetaFields] => [numberOfComments] => [commentCount] => [timestamp] => 1461238080 [datetime] => 2016-04-21T13:28:00+02:00 [width] => 400 [height] => 300 [arrSize] => Array ( [0] => 780 [1] => 600 [2] => 2 [3] => width="780" height="600" [bits] => 8 [channels] => 3 [mime] => image/jpeg ) [imgSize] => width="780" height="600" [picture] => Array ( [img] => Array ( [src] => assets/images/2/siebtraeger_portfolio03-a9c83be2.jpg [width] => 780 [height] => 600 [srcset] => assets/images/2/siebtraeger_portfolio03-a9c83be2.jpg ) [sources] => Array ( ) [alt] => Alt-Tag here [title] => ) [floatClass] => float_left [href] => files/kaffeewerk/produkte/esspressomaschine/siebtraeger_portfolio03.jpg [attributes] => data-lightbox="be7a98" [src] => assets/images/2/siebtraeger_portfolio03-a9c83be2.jpg [title] => [linkTitle] => [addBefore] => 1 [margin] => )
Die Vorteile
Hoch Produktiv wenn es darauf ankommt
Das Beste herausholen was Espresso kann
Cremiger, fast sahneartiger Milchschaum ist Geschmack pur
Frischer kann man einen Cappuccino nicht anbieten